Rebar | Mollaoğlu Sac ve Yapısal Çelik Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş.

Structural steel is an alloy formed by processing iron with carbon, silicon, manganese, aluminum, copper, chromium, nickel, boron and similar familiar elements. The ratio of these elements varies according to the nature of the steel to be used in the structure. For example, the ratio of carbon in an alloy determines the hardness of steel. Steel is a lightweight material with high strength. It is a favorite building material because it opens the door to different solution possibilities, can be interpreted, and creates a large and spacious usage area. Continuous structures can be produced by using steel in the carrier frame, because there is no need to use intermediate columns and walls. Decoherent structures can be produced with the use of steel in the bearing frame. With its durability and lightness, it is also open to shape changes, which is why steel-bearing houses are especially preferred in Japan, which is the earthquake region of the world. In today's Turkey, especially in the last 10-15 years, the use of steel as the main building material has shown a high acceleration.